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Confessing Jesus
as Savior and Lord

If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, make this confession of faith out loud right where you are:


Dear God, I come to you just as I am, a sinner in need of a Savior. Right now I choose to turn away from sin. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross, was buried, and rose again to fulfill the Scriptures. Jesus, I call upon you to be the Savior and Lord of my life. I believe that through Your death, burial, and resurrection, my sins have been forgiven and cleansed by Your blood. I declare right now that I have been born again and become a child of God. I choose to follow You and ask that You fill me with the power of Your Holy Spirit in order to live a fruitful Christian life. Thank You, Jesus!


My friend, welcome to the family of God. Today is the first day of the beginning of the rest of your life.  Leave the past behind you.  No matter what you have experienced, even if you are facing hardship right now, know that God loves you and wants to help you out of all your troubles.  Your life is about to radically change!  We want to help you make a fresh start, so follow these instructions. There are three very important things you need to do to ensure your success as a newborn believer in Jesus Christ:


#1)  READ AND STUDY YOUR BIBLE EVERY DAY - This is absolutely paramount to the success of your daily  life.  Without it you will fail!  The devil will see to it  (I Peter 2:2 / I Peter 5:8).

#2)  PRAY EVERY DAY - Jesus  said  in  Matthew 18:1 that " ought always to pray, and not to faint...."  In other words, if you do not maintain a life of prayer you will most certainly become spiritually weak. That is usually when Satan attacks young Christians.  So you are going to have to learn how to study the Word of God and how to pray.  And that leads me to my third point...

#3)  ATTEND CHURCH EVERY WEEK - The Bible says in Psalms 92:13 "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish..."  Notice that if you are planted in the house of the Lord (which is a reference to the local church) the end result is that you will flourish.  In other words, you will grow! My friend, it is in the church where you will learn how to study the Word of God, pray effectively, and experience the abundant life Jesus came to give.  But you cannot attend just any 'ol church down the street and expect to grow up spiritually.  You must attend a church that's going to ensure your spiritual success!


Last, but not least, take some time to explore our website and make use of the tools we have provided to help you grow in Christ. If you need information on how to find a church home, or you need special prayer, please call our office and we will be more than happy to assist you. God bless you in your new life in Christ Jesus!

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PO Box 4511
Oakbrook, IL 60522


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