Greetings, precious saints of God! Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. This short message concerning partnership comes straight from my heart to yours.
The Apostle Paul made mention of his ministry gift as an apostle in certain of his epistles to the Church and referred to that gift as "...the grace of God given unto me..." As TLI continues to grow in every area of ministry God has called us to, I am reminded of Philemon 1:6 where the Apostle Paul said "...that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." My favorite translation of this verse is the New International Version, which says, "I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ."
When I think of my partners in the ministry, I am excited to know that you all are partakers of my grace. When I go out and minister to the lost, the sick, and the oppressed, you too are going by joining your faith with me through your giving. It is your prayers and financial support that enable me to experience a prosperous journey wherever I go (Romans 1:10).
There are many of you that are receiving through the ministry of the Word from TLI's outreaches that have never sown into this ministry. I want to extend an opportunity for you to do that. If you would like to establish a covenant relationship with us please fill out the form on the right and we will send you out a partnership packet which will provide you with more information on how you can become connected with us. Part of joining with TLI in partnership means you have an established account where you can always login to see past giving records, receive discounts on ministry products, and other partner-only resources. God bless you and thank you for your faithfulness and support!
Hiram A. Gomez
President / Founder
Triumphant Living International
Hiram A. Gomez